Roofing Basics 101 - Roof Certs

What is a Roof Cert and Why Do We Need One?

Simply stated, a Roof Cert is a certification that is issued by a licensed roofing contractor or home inspector stating that the roof of the property in question is in good standing now and has an expected service life of between 1 and 5 more years.

In most cases the roofing contractor or company issuing the Roof Cert will certify that the roof will uphold its function for another one to five years. The warranty or certification is limited to the function of the roofing system and does not include any damages or defects that are caused by an act of nature, (wind and hail) or are caused by man.

In most cases a Roof Cert will be requested by a lender, insurance carrier, or a buyer's real estate broker. They want to make sure the property they are lending on, insuring, or buying, is in good shape.

The other common request is from homeowners that have reason to believe that their roof needs attention. Usually this is after a wind or hail weather event, or before shopping for a property insurance policy. No matter the reason, it is a good idea to have your roof professional inspected and certified at least every other year. Commercially speaking, a Roof Cert is usually required with each new lease agreement.

What Should You Expect to Pay for a Roof Cert?

At Billings Metal Roofing - abc Seamless, we charge $500-$750 for residential properties, and $750-$1,000 for commercial applications. There is never a charge for the roof inspection itself, the charge is for the documented opinion, filing charges, and the warranty or certification of 1 to 5 years.

One question that comes up concerning roof certification, is what if the Roof Cert cannot be written due to damage or unresolved repairs. If the roof in question needs replacement or repairs Billings Metal Roofing will complete the report to indicate the necessary repairs or suggested solutions. If our contractors complete those repairs or suggestions, we will credit the repair invoice for the amount paid for the Roof Cert. Once those repairs are made Billings Metal Roofing will issue another Roof Cert stating the roof in question is in good working order and the expected service life is another 5 years.

We have had multiple weather events in the last few years, and we know that there are homeowners concerned about the condition and the longevity of their present roof system. We offer the perfect solution, call us today and we will inspect and certify your roof at no charge ($500-750 Value). And, if we do find damage, we will offer solutions to getting the job done right. As a concerned homeowner, you cannot go wrong with this offer. Even if you are not planning on selling, refinancing or shopping for a new insurance policy, you will gain peace of mind knowing your roof has been professionally inspected and certified.*roof%20cert%201%20*png?alt=media&token=dd9be67d-7488-4107-94f8-0d4e0cdec05f

As a concerned homeowner, you cannot go wrong. We offer the perfect solution, call us today and we will inspect and certify your roof at no charge ($500-750 Value).

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